Advanced ceramics from Doceram

The secret of the exceptional properties of Doceram's ceramic components lies on the one hand in the high-quality materials, and on the other hand in the manufacturing process, which is based on many years of experience.

Wear-resistant, hard, tough, dimensionally stable, non-magnetic, electrically non-conductive, heat-resistant.
This is high-performance ceramics from Doceram.

The use of high-performance ceramics has already proven its worth in a wide range of industrial applications. The most important industrial sectors are mechanical and plant engineering, as well as welding technology, in which ceramic components are used to great advantage due to their typical properties. Low-wear components with service lives that significantly exceed those of conventional metallic materials serve to increase process reliability and minimize risks in production.

Megatron can offer you high-performance ceramics from Doceram, which are absolutely first-class due to the quality of the products, the innovative solutions and their know-how in the application of ceramic components in the automotive industry, welding technology, mechanical and apparatus engineering, electrical engineering, the food industry and forming technology.
Consulting and support in the creation of production plans, from prototypes (small quantities) to series production are a matter of course for us.
A material optimized for your technical applications with exceptional resistance to high temperatures, mechanical strength and dimensional stability.
Abrasion resistance, energy loss, process accuracy, corrosion resistance, and thermal wear are the critical factors Doceram engineers address to produce optimal high-performance ceramics.

Advanced ceramics offer a wide range of extremely advantageous technical properties. It can be used in a wide range of industrial machines and processes. That's why we support you with expert advice! Are you in the process of designing a new plant? Do you have production problems, e.g. regarding wear? Are you looking for a cost-saving, innovative further development of your equipment? We will show you ways and advise you on our products.

Doceram strengths







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