Materials for sensory applications

SONOX® P5, SONOX® P502, SONOX® P504, SONOX® P508, PZT 503, PZT5A1, PZT 5A4, PZT5H1

  1. Dielectric constants between 1000 and 2000.
  2. High piezoelectric activity (d33 ≥ 400 * 10-12 C/N).
  3. Low quality scores (≤100).


Sensory applications are in most cases combined systems in which the piezoceramic is used on the one hand as an ultrasonic transmitter and on the other hand as a receiver. SONOX® P502 and SONOX® P504 are specially developed materials with high thermal and temporal stability. They are therefore particularly suitable for applications in the automotive industry in the range from -40 to +160º Celcius.



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