Thermal image analysis

Complex 3D components for thermal insulation

Thermal image analysis can be used to determine the exact thermal requirements of an application so that the material concept can be specifically tailored to them.

In addition, before-and-after comparisons enable further optimization potential to be identified and disturbing variables to be eliminated.

The use of thermal image analysis lends itself to a variety of thermal processes.

Compatible materials

DOGLAS refers to a range of thermoset glass-fiber-reinforced plastics (GRP for short) that are produced by combining a wide variety of resin systems.

The DOTEX material is a thermoset composite based on phenolic resin. Reinforced with fabrics made of cotton or paper, these composite systems cost-effectively meet many requirements in industrial plants.

DOTHERM's product range includes materials that have proven themselves especially in high-temperature applications. DOTHERM materials are characterized by their low thermal conductivity and excellent electrical insulation properties.


ELTIMID offers operating temperatures in the range from -250 °C to 280 °C, with short-term peaks of up to 400 °C. Thanks to its high wear resistance, this material is particularly suitable for oil-free applications with long service lives.


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